Why won’t some people pay for news?
diaspora.glasswings.comWhy won’t some people pay for news?
In no particular order[0], issues and thoughts (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31449413):
A: The product stinks. Throughout most of the English-speaking world, local publications, if they exist, are abysmal. National-level publications may be quality, but even that can be iffy. The typical large-city publication now consists almost entirely of press releases and foreign outsourced text, if not outright auto-generated copy. GPT-3 should be all the rage any minute now.
B: At the same time, there's a phenomenal resistance to providing information in sensible formats: tables or charts for quantitative information, maps for geographic (say: wildfire boundaries, natural disaster impact regions). The press appear to feel the public are entirely illiterate and are taking all possible pains to ensure this remains the case.
C: Partisanship has increased to the point that trust in any opposing news media is all but nil. In numerous cases, the m...
Because there are too damn many sites for that and streaming services have used up all of that fund already. And at my age I still want a paper copy of the NYT crossword to carry around for the day if I do pay for it. iykyk.