It appears every few times I open the app and the usual android back button doesn’t make it go away, and there is no cancel button. What you have to do is toggle the toggle, then the button will change to “do not back up” and then you can press it. It annoys me how easy this makes it to accidentally turn on backup.
I used to be annoyed by this. I’m running GrapheneOS so I denied Google Photos access to the network but it didn’t stop it from asking every few times I started the app. Sometimes it even ignored my response and tried to connect to the network anyway.
I just uninstalled it and installed Fossify Gallery instead from F-droid. Haven’t looked back since.
Ever had issues with FDroid getting stuck during updates, it would get stuck for me every day or 2 until I just uninstalled it. I don’t install apps enough to bother with it, so I figured I’d reinstall it when I eventually need it again.
Never had that issue
Use droid-ify, it’s a much better fdroid client where you can enable Izzy’s repository much easier
I’ll try to give it a try, my current phone is shit, so I’m sure it played its part