Why you should know:
Arsenic is a carcinogen and has various other negative health effects; enough to warrant exposure limits in various jurisdictions. A five minute boil-and-discard step before cooking is a simple way to reduce your exposure, especially if you eat a lot of rice.
Details are in the study, linked in the title of this post. Here’s a diagram from the abstract:
How much arsenic water would you need to distill down to get a useful amount of arsenic?
How much arsenic do you define as useful? I had a similar thought and could probably figure it out, but I really don’t want to dig my old chem and bio texts out of my garage.
Asking, for science
Of course.
The real question. Apple seeds have naturally occurring cyanide, but you would have to eat something like 30 to 300 apples worth of seeds to maybe have a health issue.
It’s the dose that makes the poison.
Aren’t you better off with plum or peach seeds?
Best not to eat any, but it’s still a matter of dose. Plum/peach seeds may be more a choking hazard than any other.