image caption: A Microsoft Windows screen showing “Active Hours” with start time set to 12 AM and end time set to 12 AM and an error that says “Choose an end time that’s no more than 18 hours from the start time”.
image caption: A Microsoft Windows screen showing “Active Hours” with start time set to 12 AM and end time set to 12 AM and an error that says “Choose an end time that’s no more than 18 hours from the start time”.
It’s possible you don’t notice. Whole Windows applications aren’t as good as those on macOS, Windows does try to restart and reposition existing software after a reboot these days.
I found myself a little confused where my search window went when I went to the bathroom. Turned out Windows had rebooted itself and relaunched my browser and IDE. The only state it seemed to have missed were a few tool windows.
I don’t think that was it because it was nagging me every day for a few weeks until I finally got a free weekend to deal with the updates. I have a ton of shit going all the time and restarting is kind of a chore.