I hate cheating in general, however I do have a personal carve out…
Some single player games, like (yes I’m old) doom — I almost always play with a full load out IDDFA No one should be dropping a Space Marine with out full weapons and ammunition and armor.
But that’s it.
Anything else, the point is to learn and find all the stuff the designers want to to discover
I hate cheating in general, however I do have a personal carve out…
Some single player games, like (yes I’m old) doom — I almost always play with a full load out IDDFA No one should be dropping a Space Marine with out full weapons and ammunition and armor.
But that’s it.
Anything else, the point is to learn and find all the stuff the designers want to to discover
Hah, that’s a mix up of the two main cheat codes… IDKFA and IDDQD.
Old man says:: yep could be. I thought the other was IDDKFA ??
But they say memory is the second thing to go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
singleplayer is fine, you arent hurting anyone with it, multiplayer on the other hand