Back in the middle ages, the code of chivalry came to basically be a gentlemen’s agreement between nobles which was generally adhered to even in times of war: “hey, there aren’t very many of us, so kill all the peasants you want but try to just capture and ransom the nobles.”
I wonder if there’s a similar agreement among the 1% today.
Back in the middle ages, the code of chivalry came to basically be a gentlemen’s agreement between nobles which was generally adhered to even in times of war: “hey, there aren’t very many of us, so kill all the peasants you want but try to just capture and ransom the nobles.”
I wonder if there’s a similar agreement among the 1% today.
There aren’t enough of these events for that to not be the case.
That’s kind of what I was thinking.
It’s a big club and you ain’t in it
Mathematically speaking, almost no one is.