Canadian cucks cheering for the idea of “Joining as a state/states” don’t realize Canada’s future would essentially be that of Puerto Rico for decades, Second class citizens, if we could even call them that, full rights and protections wouldnt apply. and thered also be a complete devastation of the land and infrastructure to boot as one nation tries to forcefully assimilate another.
Surrender your Sovereignty and have no representation to own the libs. YEA 'BERTA
Meanwhile, Puerto Rico
Canadian cucks cheering for the idea of “Joining as a state/states” don’t realize Canada’s future would essentially be that of Puerto Rico for decades, Second class citizens, if we could even call them that, full rights and protections wouldnt apply. and thered also be a complete devastation of the land and infrastructure to boot as one nation tries to forcefully assimilate another.
Surrender your Sovereignty and have no representation to own the libs. YEA 'BERTA
Nah, I say we don’t conquer Canada so much as just become a Canadian unincorporated territory without the consent of the Canadian parliament.
We could come together and issue a grand historic Declaration of Dependence.
Ya but they are… “Brown”
No they don’t think they are! That’s why they voted for Trump!
It honestly doesn’t matter what they think according to Republicans. So they brown until Trump says otherwise.
Shhhhhh, It’s alright… He’s got more for you!