So you’d prefer a phone that is so locked down that anyone can only install what Samsung deems appropriate? I sure don’t. I know I’m sounding like a fanboy for Samsung, but your irritation is misplaced. Just about all phones allow software installed from the carrier. That’d be like downloading some garbage app from the play store and then crying about how Samsung sucks for allowing you to do that. They allow the loading of carrier software to enable carrier-specific features such as visual voicemail. There are plenty of valid qualms to be had with Samsung, but the carrier or vendor is where the blame should be placed for this kind of crap.
Who, pray tell, allows the carrier to push this crapware onto the phone? Oh, Samsung. Right.
So you’d prefer a phone that is so locked down that anyone can only install what Samsung deems appropriate? I sure don’t. I know I’m sounding like a fanboy for Samsung, but your irritation is misplaced. Just about all phones allow software installed from the carrier. That’d be like downloading some garbage app from the play store and then crying about how Samsung sucks for allowing you to do that. They allow the loading of carrier software to enable carrier-specific features such as visual voicemail. There are plenty of valid qualms to be had with Samsung, but the carrier or vendor is where the blame should be placed for this kind of crap.
No, I’d prefer a phone that the carriers aren’t allowed to fuck with.