My husband literally lives for free because 90% of our income comes from me. His money basically is just our food. So yeah, its unethical to charge your partner rent. Its really weird to view relationships as a business deal where you both give exactly 50 percent. That sounds like roommates who have sex.
That’s commitment and with it comes a lot of decision, one of them whether to keep money separate, pool together or just have one account altogether.
But unless that commitment is made, expecting ither half to be responsible and pay for their shit - unless agreed otherwise beforehand - is to be expexted.
My husband literally lives for free because 90% of our income comes from me. His money basically is just our food. So yeah, its unethical to charge your partner rent. Its really weird to view relationships as a business deal where you both give exactly 50 percent. That sounds like roommates who have sex.
Your husband.
That’s commitment and with it comes a lot of decision, one of them whether to keep money separate, pool together or just have one account altogether.
But unless that commitment is made, expecting ither half to be responsible and pay for their shit - unless agreed otherwise beforehand - is to be expexted.