Your sentiment is good but misplaced. The ocean will already do that for us in our lifetime. With any hope, the crazies might go underwater with Florida, but it will most likely disperse them.
Just not Spokane, or anywhere outside the SeaTac metro area really. Like Oregon: welcoming, inclusive people, except for most places outside of Portland, Eugene, Bend.
Yeah, I gotta get the fuck out of here.
You need to drive everyone else out. We shouldn’t give up on Florida.
Your sentiment is good but misplaced. The ocean will already do that for us in our lifetime. With any hope, the crazies might go underwater with Florida, but it will most likely disperse them.
I’m this case, dilution may actually be the solution to pollution…
Probably not, but maybe.
You could come to Ohio, things happen here, I promise!
I know you’re kidding, but I’m almost considering Ohio exactly because of all of the NOTHING* that happens.
*Except that one thing. But I’ll probably be living far away from that.
Maybe try lower Illinois then. I can’t think of anything noteworthy that happens there. Lot of open space.
My grandmother’s family is from southern Illinois. It’s not that great but it is the cheapest part, but there are a lotta bigots and racists there.
Hmm, what about Vermont? I have heard nothing bad about Vermont.
Washington, the answer you’re looking for is Washington
Source: came here from the south the other year before shit gets even worse
Just not Spokane, or anywhere outside the SeaTac metro area really. Like Oregon: welcoming, inclusive people, except for most places outside of Portland, Eugene, Bend.
It literally gets worse here every day.
I have family in titusville and lets jst say the memes ring true, unhinged, completely detached from reality.