I reside in an apartment complex where the internet services are not controlled by the management, but instead, they are managed by our ISP, Telcom. Unfortunately, Telcom restricts certain functionalities for users, such as not helping with the opening of ports or providing the admin username/password for my router. Additionally, my router doesn’t appear on the network tab of file explorer. Given this situation, what options do I have to address these limitations to port forward?
I assure that I have researched this for a long time and that I know how to protect this open port.
i would expect your lengthy research would have included “router model default password”, “reset password router model” and “port forward on router model”
I would expect you to know that since I’ve made a post, that I’ve already exhausted these options.
Unfortunately, there’s a majority of people posting without exhausting their research so unless you mention in your post what you have done, anyone else can’t assume anything at the risk of providing unhelpful info. “Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.”
The fact that you said “my router doesn’t appear on file explorer” tells us everything we need to know about your skill level. You don’t know the first thing about “protecting this open port” and you aren’t qualified to assess the security risks of what you are trying to do.
I’m glad the authority on security has come down without any information to tell me that I cannot have any plugins on my file explorer
These people are trying to help, snark makes it sound like you want to troll, not be helped…
Ok, this should be pretty easy then. Just set up an instance in a cloud service provider (Oracle has lots of free stuff for this) and set up wireguard. Establish a VPN connection to your cloud server and port forward from there.
If you do know how to protect that open port then this should be pretty straightforward.