More “for the children” invasive bullshit. Less privacy and more government intrusion is not what voters want out of bipartisanship.

I’m somewhat heartened by what happened with SOPA, but the ongoing attempts to remove constitutional protections “because it’s the internet” are not a sign that things are going in the right direction.

    1 year ago

    That’s cuz it’s not for the kids, any time they want to shoehorn in some stupid bill, it’s always “for the kids” or “for national security”, so when people rightfully oppose a massive invasion of privacy, they can say “They hate the kids look!”.

    It’s a lot easier to defend “Protecting children” than it is to defend what they’re actually wanting to do. If this actually goes through, I honestly probably would just drop off posting things online. I’ve been off Twitter and Facebook for a long time, I left reddit over the 3rd party apps, honestly I just don’t care anymore, I will oppose this 100%, but if it gets passed, I guess I’m just done posting lol