The word idiot had its origin in not being elected to the senate or alike and yet you seem to be an idiot when you argue with origins instead of usage by white supremacists.
While the answer to this is “yes,” some white supremecists are also drinking coke, and the two things are equally as relevant to white supremecy. “White Supremecy” is frankly antithetical to libertarianism, whether you’re right (individualist) libertarian or left (collectivist) libertarian. It’d be like if Goldman Sachs stuck a hammer and sickle on their logo or if the proud boys hung up drei pfeile flags, it wouldn’t suddenly make those symbols of capitalism or whatever the fuck the ptoud boys are, they’d just be “wrong,” “stupid,” “intentionally misrepresenting themselves to manipulate you or temper perceptions with a label that doesn’t actually apply to them,” and labels are simply a tool for control btw. This concept also applies to the Gadsden flag, or any other myriad of appropriated symbols.
The word idiot had its origin in not being elected to the senate or alike and yet you seem to be an idiot when you argue with origins instead of usage by white supremacists.
Are white supremacists really using this flag?
I’ve always thought that the type of people that fly this flag usually are not very nice.
While the answer to this is “yes,” some white supremecists are also drinking coke, and the two things are equally as relevant to white supremecy. “White Supremecy” is frankly antithetical to libertarianism, whether you’re right (individualist) libertarian or left (collectivist) libertarian. It’d be like if Goldman Sachs stuck a hammer and sickle on their logo or if the proud boys hung up drei pfeile flags, it wouldn’t suddenly make those symbols of capitalism or whatever the fuck the ptoud boys are, they’d just be “wrong,” “stupid,” “intentionally misrepresenting themselves to manipulate you or temper perceptions with a label that doesn’t actually apply to them,” and labels are simply a tool for control btw. This concept also applies to the Gadsden flag, or any other myriad of appropriated symbols.