Tbh instagram is just a shithole because every post is someone flexing their influencer deal, trying to sell you some bullshit.
The rest are just true ads hosted by facebook (as far as i’m aware, since you can’t advertise on instagram without a facebook account).
I’m using an adblock on firefox and my internet on my pc is decent, it actually feels like i’m using the internet compared to it using me to shovel ads into my face.
My normal internet usage consists of 50% ads, i get more ads on instagram than actual posts so i’ve started shitposting comments on the ads.
Leave my digital space alone, but since you don’t have the decency we have to do it ourselves.
Get a DNS Sinkhole like PiHole or use an adblocking DNS.
For YouTube I can recommend NewPipe (mobile) and FreeTube (desktop).
For everything else I use uBlock.
Tbh instagram is just a shithole because every post is someone flexing their influencer deal, trying to sell you some bullshit.
The rest are just true ads hosted by facebook (as far as i’m aware, since you can’t advertise on instagram without a facebook account).
I’m using an adblock on firefox and my internet on my pc is decent, it actually feels like i’m using the internet compared to it using me to shovel ads into my face.