Iirc the reason it changed was because it’s a more accurate description of what the material contains, and because actual pornography is supposed to be consentual by nature, even when it’s depicting an imitation of a non-consensual act. However, kids are incapable of consenting. Saying that videos of them is porn feels too much like it puts it on the same level as adult porn, when they’re not at all the same. If someone released a video of someone being raped I think most people would consider it distasteful to call a real rape video “pornography”.
I didn’t know either but I took one for the team, regrettably. Child Sexual Abuse Material.
Thanks, I also looked it up and for mostly links about the Belgian government login.
That’s because “C-SAM” sounds like “sesame” in French.
Damn. I guessed it was something like that.
That’s so disgusting, some fuckers are sick.
Thanks for replying!
It’s horrific. :(
When did the term change from CP to CSAM? Seems like everyone changed overnight.
Iirc the reason it changed was because it’s a more accurate description of what the material contains, and because actual pornography is supposed to be consentual by nature, even when it’s depicting an imitation of a non-consensual act. However, kids are incapable of consenting. Saying that videos of them is porn feels too much like it puts it on the same level as adult porn, when they’re not at all the same. If someone released a video of someone being raped I think most people would consider it distasteful to call a real rape video “pornography”.
I can understand that reasoning tbh.
Makes sense, and it’s also a more unique acronym