And not that it’s any of your business, I spend most of my time outside interacting with peers and the public. I would wager that I’m the most qualified person in this thread to speak to what you all would call “normal people” behavior.
I’m trying to help you all to understand something.
You can downvote me if you want, it doesnt bother me, I’m not gonna delete or block anyone, but you’re only hurting yourself.
Not going to get into an argument about the mod or the op, but I’ve never heard someone say female instead of woman or girl. Only seen it online (more often than not in a negative manner,) or nature documentaries.
Not going to judge you or anyone for it, but I’ma be honest it does strike me as odd to use that word instead of woman. Woman’s a perfectly good word, and it’s not being used in a derogatory manner, which I assume you agree female most definitely does in some circles
The only people who think “female” is incel language are terminally-online no-life losers who desperately need to go outside.
You should test that theory by going outside ;)
“I know you are but what am i?”
Wow so clever. Proud of that one?
And not that it’s any of your business, I spend most of my time outside interacting with peers and the public. I would wager that I’m the most qualified person in this thread to speak to what you all would call “normal people” behavior.
I’m trying to help you all to understand something.
You can downvote me if you want, it doesnt bother me, I’m not gonna delete or block anyone, but you’re only hurting yourself.
Not going to get into an argument about the mod or the op, but I’ve never heard someone say female instead of woman or girl. Only seen it online (more often than not in a negative manner,) or nature documentaries.
“Only seen it online” yes because most people who think it’s bad are only ever online.
No, you don’t hear the word female often in conversation, but no one cringes or judges someone when it does get used. It’s just another fucking word.
Not going to judge you or anyone for it, but I’ma be honest it does strike me as odd to use that word instead of woman. Woman’s a perfectly good word, and it’s not being used in a derogatory manner, which I assume you agree female most definitely does in some circles