TL;DR: The NFT market has drastically declined since its peak in 2021, with most NFT collections having no value. There’s an oversupply of NFTs, leading to a buyer’s market, and environmental concerns due to energy consumption. Top NFTs also struggle to maintain value, and the future of NFTs depends on utility and genuine value rather than speculation.

    1 year ago

    I can assure you if you were watching a programme that was hyping nfts, you weren’t watching “news”

    WTF is up with your media over there?!?

      1 year ago

      WTF is up with your media over there?!?

      Once again, so many things currently wrong with the USA can be traced back to the Regan administration.

      The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that fairly reflected differing viewpoints.[1]

      In 1987, the FCC abolished the fairness doctrine

      The demise of this FCC rule has been cited as a contributing factor in the rising level of party polarization in the United States

      After that news programs had no responsibility to be truthful in any real sense.