“Everything I don’t like is holocaust denial: a dishonest child’s guide to political slander”
Stalin also committed genocide, and he killed even more of his own people than Hitler did. He was also Hitler’s ally until he was betrayed by that ally. Tankies and fascists are two rotten peas in the same pod.
Stalin did none of that. Perhaps try reading a fucking book. Stalin signed a treaty with Hitler, just like all the countries in Western Europe. The difference is that Stalin first tried to get the Western European countries to ally against Hitler. They refused of course, because they love their fascism. Equating Stalin to Hitler is very fascist behavior.
Stalin murdered even more people than Hitler. History equates them. I just recognize that reality. If you seriously think that’s holocaust denial then you’re a fucking joke.
Stalin’s regime is estimated to have killed ca 20 million civilians during his time in power. Hitler, it’s around 12 million or so.
You can argue the figures because if you go by official government records it only comes to about eight million, but even if you believe the USSR about their own atrocities and not contemporary estimates, they’re still in the same ballpark as Hitler’s regime.
“Everything I don’t like is holocaust denial: a dishonest child’s guide to political slander”
Stalin also committed genocide, and he killed even more of his own people than Hitler did. He was also Hitler’s ally until he was betrayed by that ally. Tankies and fascists are two rotten peas in the same pod.
Stalin did none of that. Perhaps try reading a fucking book. Stalin signed a treaty with Hitler, just like all the countries in Western Europe. The difference is that Stalin first tried to get the Western European countries to ally against Hitler. They refused of course, because they love their fascism. Equating Stalin to Hitler is very fascist behavior.
Are you calling a mainstream Jewish holocaust scholar a dishonest child doing political slander?
If he’s saying that criticism of the USSR is holocaust denial, that is the camp he’s placing himself into.
He isn’t saying that though, he is saying equating communists and fascists holocaust trivialization.
Equating and criticizing aren’t the same thing. You’re equating.
So he’s minimizing the Holodomor, and all the other forced relocations and summary executions of undesirables under Stalin and other Soviet despots.
You’re literally doing the nazi propaganda he is talking about.
“refusal to minimize genocide is Nazi propaganda”
Stalin murdered even more people than Hitler. History equates them. I just recognize that reality. If you seriously think that’s holocaust denial then you’re a fucking joke.
That’s certainly a new one, where’d you get that statistic from, stormfront?
Stalin’s regime is estimated to have killed ca 20 million civilians during his time in power. Hitler, it’s around 12 million or so.
You can argue the figures because if you go by official government records it only comes to about eight million, but even if you believe the USSR about their own atrocities and not contemporary estimates, they’re still in the same ballpark as Hitler’s regime.