Content warning: This article contains numerous examples of bigoted rhetoric. Users on Reddit’s “r/conspiracy” forum have repeatedly and openly posted anti-LGBTQ content for years without pushback, despite the platform’s rules prohibiting “hate based on identity or vulnerability” and anti-LGBTQ “groomer” rhetoric. Reddit has a history of taking action against other subreddits that have violated those rules. A Media Matters review of r/conspiracy since May 2020 found a widespread pattern of anti-LGBTQ hate, which includes accusing the LGBTQ community of grooming, having “mental illness,” and associating with pedophilia.
Sure, and my trash can has bugs in it, but nobody cares
The bugs in your trash can can’t vote in your elections.
What? Can you connect your dots for me?
Yes. You should care about far-right activity on all websites because it emboldens far-right voters. If there are enough of those voters, they will accelerate the trend we see globally where conservatives politics has become increasingly fascist.
That’s understandable, but sounds like the conservatives saying we should all be outraged because five public schools(out of 23,000) may introduce a sexually explicit book into their curriculum.
You aren’t demanding any change be made, you’re demanding that people get equally angry at any slight regardless of the efficacy or relevancy of that anger.
You’re also making the assumption that people don’t care about extremism because you don’t understand, or recognize how the care of others is demonstrated.
From “nobody cares” to “you’re assuming nobody cares” in one hour. Not a record by far, but still a pretty rapid heel-turn.
Congrats, you can piruoette like none other, umption
We don’t know if he has trash can elections or not