Is this on network tv? Something came on last night at like 3am and it was like Frazier but he was really old. I thought I was tripping. I turned off the tv and went to bed.
Ugh no idea I am not from USA which probably would be the place where they would put it on network tv but yeah there risk a new Frazier show from this year (or last?), it’s on Paramount+ I think.
At least Marge is getting shit done at 2am I’m just scrolling on my phone and watching episodes of Frasier.
Frasier? You sherry swilling, opera loving, armini wearing, elitist!
Damn you Frajer!!!
The new one or the old one?
Is this on network tv? Something came on last night at like 3am and it was like Frazier but he was really old. I thought I was tripping. I turned off the tv and went to bed.
Ugh no idea I am not from USA which probably would be the place where they would put it on network tv but yeah there risk a new Frazier show from this year (or last?), it’s on Paramount+ I think.
Just saw the ad on paramount+
Didn’t even know the new one was out
Tbh I wasn’t sure either I had to check it before replied you originally.
Is the new one any good?
It’s alright. Seems like the actors are still trying to find their chemistry with each other but the writers are definitely on the Frasier wavelength.
Frasier is still good, the others … a bit rough, but I’ll give it time (damn, its strange to see him so old).
No idea I have yet to finish the original anyway so… it will probably have to wait.