My closes brush with the law was years and years ago me and a friend ran into a bunch of cops while smoking a joint, we dropped the thing and played it cool and got away with some annoying questions.

What was your closest call?

    1 year ago

    Still not legal where I am and not even close but I have had 2 seriously close calls.

    First was getting pulled into customs at an international border with multiple ounces hidden in the headlining of the car. They bought out the dog that was going through all the luggage in the back of the car whilst I stood and hoped that my packaging technique was going to be sufficient to cover up the smell of Amsterdam’s finest. Some how it did and driving out of that customs garage was one of the most ecstatic feelings ever!

    Second was getting pulled over whilst having multiple ounces split into Henry’s and a large wedge of cash in smaller denominations all stashed in my dashboard behind the stereo and a pryable panel. You can probably guess what I was up to, thankfully the guy just wanted to chastise me for driving too fast and didn’t even entertain the idea of searching the car. Only break one law at a time guys xD