Edit: The original I stole had its watermark removed. I reverse imaged searched the image and found the original artist and their tweet!
Edit: The original I stole had its watermark removed. I reverse imaged searched the image and found the original artist and their tweet!
Police spending money on detectives, cybersecurity experts, tax analysts, wage theft investigations: ✋
Police spending money on weapons 👉
We need to get rid of the police and replace them with some sort of task force dedicated to solving crimes.
We need Batman.
Man, if only there was something called police to do it…
Your 3rd world country (usa) just needs a stricter personal gun law and better/centralized training for cops.
Your cops are on edge every time cuz everybody could point a dangerstick in their face just for a routine traffic stop.
No guns for private persons = less police shootings
I’m not from the USA, dipshit. Police don’t solve crimes here either.