The people who left The Escapist created a new channel, Second Wind. Among them is Yhatzze, who has created a new version of ZP (since that one was copyrighted by Escapist) called Fully Ramblomatic.
Also a new version of Extra Punctuation called Semi Ramblomatic. Both the same as their predecessors in spirit while being different enough to be legally distinct. All available free on Youtube.
I still can’t believe all that BS and with the escapist, losing Yhatzee must be a devastating blow to their value.
They lost everyone, the entire staff walked out.
They’ve released a couple of his pre-recorded videos but turned off the comments. They know they fucked up. 🤣
Glad to see Fully Ramblomatic up and running, here’s to hoping they thrive.
Please. A crumb of context.
The people who left The Escapist created a new channel, Second Wind. Among them is Yhatzze, who has created a new version of ZP (since that one was copyrighted by Escapist) called Fully Ramblomatic.
Also a new version of Extra Punctuation called Semi Ramblomatic. Both the same as their predecessors in spirit while being different enough to be legally distinct. All available free on Youtube.
Oddly enough, the Frost’s video on Second Wind very succinctly explained why these things happen.