I actually now understand what was meant, because of your comment! I was like Why do they want to receive socialistic agenda later?
Incredible what difference a wrong a/e can make!
(I’m a non native english speaker, but I think it bothers me/I see it more than the actual natives)
I mean, their use of ‘THEN’ rather than ‘THAN’ indicates that they’ll soon adopt the socialist agenda, so there’s still hope!
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Oh that is just beautiful.
That fellow clearly just wants to become a heavily radical leftist, so he wants to maximize the jump he makes on the spectrum! Good on him!
Exactly! They’ve got it all planned out!
I actually now understand what was meant, because of your comment! I was like Why do they want to receive socialistic agenda later? Incredible what difference a wrong a/e can make! (I’m a non native english speaker, but I think it bothers me/I see it more than the actual natives)
Glad I could help, in a fun way!
Then/than and loose/lose mixups bother me every time I see them and it’s “fun” to interpret them as written rather than as they intended!
What I mean, is that you made me realize what they actually meant, because I’ve read it as is.
Yeah, I understood :-)
Way to “loose your mind” on irritating gramatical errors! :D