There are 74 million children aged 0-18 in the USA. Going by your numbers, that means in 2021 that 99.99999% of children in the USA were not harmed by guns.
I know your number is a hyperbole, the real percent given the numbers in the thread is ~99.994%, or 14999/15000 unharmed, which, most supporters wouldn’t bat an eye at anyway
In 2021 4,752 children had gun related deaths. That’s 13 a day.
Yes, but we refer to it as 14 a day, because 13 is bad luck.
Yeah but if those children had guns to protect themselves from the guns then it would have been 0.
Checkmate libruls
There are 74 million children aged 0-18 in the USA. Going by your numbers, that means in 2021 that 99.99999% of children in the USA were not harmed by guns.
I know your number is a hyperbole, the real percent given the numbers in the thread is ~99.994%, or 14999/15000 unharmed, which, most supporters wouldn’t bat an eye at anyway