I did a brief Google search prior to making my comment and found nothing, so I figured I’d ask you. It does seem like the kind of claim that someone would make based on mere prejudice. I take your refusal to provide evidence as a sign that it is, indeed, baseless.
These are just the breaking news incidents. There are hundreds, possibly thousands of products that were ‘copied’ with middle finger displayed to IP Law.
I did a brief Google search prior to making my comment and found nothing, so I figured I’d ask you. It does seem like the kind of claim that someone would make based on mere prejudice. I take your refusal to provide evidence as a sign that it is, indeed, baseless.
Ok. Suit yourself.
Google this : Cisco router IP Theft Huawei
Thank you!
Google this : Nortel.
Google these :
These are just the breaking news incidents. There are hundreds, possibly thousands of products that were ‘copied’ with middle finger displayed to IP Law.