Almost three in four Palestinians believe the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel was correct, and the ensuing Gaza war has lifted support for the Islamist group both there and in the West Bank, a survey from a respected Palestinian polling institute found.

    1 year ago

    Israel’s claim that Hamas resisting the violence and oppression of Palestinians by Israel makes Hamas responsible for said violence and oppression of Palestinians by Israel, doesn’t ring true to anyone objective, much less the Palestinians whose families and friends are dying to Israeli bombs.

    these words don’t explain why the support for Hamas is allegedly raising

    Israel: “I’m the one killing your loved ones for decades, but really you should blame this other guy (Hamas) for giving me the excuse to do it!”

    Yeah, I’m sure you’d totally buy that argument too.

    Israel propped up Hamas very actively, in order to delegitimize the PA and prevent a 2-state solution, thinking that they could oppress Palestinians far worse with them under a labeled terrorist leadership, but then they act all surprised pikachu when said terrorist group does the terrorism.

    Netanyahu gambled with both Palestinians lives and Israeli ones, and lost that bet badly, so now he’s looking to capitalize on the situation to ethnically cleanse Gaza and set up new settlements there, hoping that will be enough to save himself from the political reckoning coming for him internally.