4chan’s been going downhill for years as well. It’s been extremely ban-happy for a very long time. I recently got permabanned for posting a screenshot from Hatching 2022. Something similar has happened to me every time I’ve gone back over the past 10 years.
How can a toxic wastedump exclusevely filled with trolls, edgelords and questionable porn go downhill? That place’s been as low as possible just about from the start. Can’t believe anyone would voluntarily admit to posting there back here in the civilized world.
4chan’s been going downhill for years as well. It’s been extremely ban-happy for a very long time. I recently got permabanned for posting a screenshot from Hatching 2022. Something similar has happened to me every time I’ve gone back over the past 10 years.
How can a toxic wastedump exclusevely filled with trolls, edgelords and questionable porn go downhill? That place’s been as low as possible just about from the start. Can’t believe anyone would voluntarily admit to posting there back here in the civilized world.
A sinkhole must’ve opened up under the pit.
Far right political activists
4chan downhill. Jesus…