I’ll start: it became my notes app, because I can have insights on the notes I’m taking. Not an ideal use case, but it is fun for side projects ideas.
Example, I was fiddling with a PGN project idea while waiting for the Christmas dinner: https://chat.openai.com/share/eb975eaa-1c37-413f-a6a0-b17eb2f1bdf3
There is a discussion on Hacker News, but feel free to comment here as well.
Tried GPT for help with code writing. 10% of the time it was super helpful and saved me time. 90% of the time it gave garbage dressed up as good ideas (which I’d pursue awhile before I realized they were garbage).
When my workflow began to include checking GPT’s answer before continuing, I realized it was adding as much (or more) time than it was saving. So I don’t use it anymore.