I currently have a storage server with the following config.

Multiple raid6 volumes (mdadm) -> aggregated into a lvm volume group -> lvm volumes -> encrypted with luks1 -> (no partitioning) xfs file systems mounted and used by the os

I have the following criteria: I want to keep software raid (mdadm) with multiple raid sets, xfs, and lvm. I don’t mind using 2fa, but I don’t want to just store my secret keys on a dongle attached to my PC because that seems to defeat the point of encryption at rest.

My questions:

  1. Is there a better way to encrypt my data at rest?

  2. Is there a better layer at which to apply the encryption?

I’m mostly unhappy with luks1 over a whole lvm volume and looking for alternatives.

Thank you everyone for these great responses! I’ll be looking into these ideas :)

  • constantokra@lemmy.one
    5 个月前

    Encrypt the boot drive, and use dropbear ssh in initramfs to be able to unlock it over ssh during boot. Then set up your data drives however you want, and use a key file on your boot drive to unlock them, once you’ve unlocked it. All drives are encrypted when your machine is off, and you only need one password you can enter remotely to unlock the whole thing.

    Here’s a good resource on how to do the initramfs part https://www.arminpech.de/2019/12/23/debian-unlock-luks-root-partition-remotely-by-ssh-using-dropbear/

    Also, when you update the kernel you have to rebuild the initramfs with sudo update-initramfs -k all -u, or it won’t be able to boot to the new kernel.

    I’ve found it to be a super reliable setup.