I agree with this in general, and wanted to add onto it a bit:
I’m Atheist but I honestly couldn’t care less what others believe in. If believing in a god or an afterlife helps you get through your life easier, than why not? Why try to tell someone else what religious or cultural belief is right or wrong when we’re all just making our best guesses anyway?
Believe in whatever afterlife you want, so long as that belief doesn’t make everyone else’s lives worse. The moment you start trying to push religion and culture onto people, you’re no better than any other form of cultural imperialism.
Western atheism and antitheism often exist as reactions to Christianity on a factual or ethical basis, while remaining within a Christian cultural and moral context. Historically, Christians and atheists have worked together to attack other religions, such as in the case of the stolen generations in Australia or the cult panic in America.
I agree with this in general, and wanted to add onto it a bit:
I’m Atheist but I honestly couldn’t care less what others believe in. If believing in a god or an afterlife helps you get through your life easier, than why not? Why try to tell someone else what religious or cultural belief is right or wrong when we’re all just making our best guesses anyway?
Believe in whatever afterlife you want, so long as that belief doesn’t make everyone else’s lives worse. The moment you start trying to push religion and culture onto people, you’re no better than any other form of cultural imperialism.
That’s why this isn’t a meme about atheists. It’s a meme about antitheists.
You brought in atheism right here though??
Edit: fix formatting
And I wasn’t calling atheists genocidal when I mentioned their cultural Christianity.
To pull it full circle: you average atheist does NOT want to commit genocides or ban churches or tell religious people not to teach their kids.