There have been a few Reddit, Lemmy and Youtube posts over the past week or so about Nginx Proxy Manager and their shortfalls, mostly towards CVEs and other security issues.
The problem is that unlike Traefik, NGINX Proxy Manager is actually easy to use. And before you recommend Caddy, that also has no GUI.
What do you use, if you have stuff exposed to the outside?
Traefik just need container labels. Most of the time it’s only 4 labels for the container you want to expose. Copy to a self hosted wiki and you’re good to go.
That is the easy part. What I haven’t been able to get working is services outside of docker, ie on other servers
I did that on Traefik 1 on an older stack, but since moving to Traefik 2, I’m all containers, so I haven’t done it on Traefik 2 yet. However, I’d imagine maybe you can use the load balancer example with just 1 private-ip server behind it?
Setup rules that forward to an IP:port I used a guide on smarthomebeginner initially. I’ll try and find it found it.
Go here
And scroll till the section. “Adding non-docker or external apps behind Traefik”
That seems to have done it!
http: routers: jellyfin-rtr: rule: "Host(`[redacted].com`)" entryPoints: - websecure service: jellyfin-svc tls: certResolver: letsencrypt services: jellyfin-svc: loadBalancer: servers: - url: "http://[]redacted]:8096"
Glad you’re able to get this working and welcome to Traefik !
Glad to be here. I have been using Traefik for well over a year, but through TrueCharts, glad to have done this on my own