I’m sorry for missing last week, I was so in the thick of storm cleanup I genuinely forgot how days work. As an apology, here’s a picture of one of our cherries ready to pop for spring:
What’s growing on with you all?
I’m sorry for missing last week, I was so in the thick of storm cleanup I genuinely forgot how days work. As an apology, here’s a picture of one of our cherries ready to pop for spring:
What’s growing on with you all?
Amateur balcony gardener throwing stuff in dirt and seeing what grows reporting in! My garden is small but mighty, and it’s all coming together pretty well! My kale seeds have seriously hit the ground running, and I’m so excited to transfer the sprouts. The pumpkin sprouts are looking pretty good too, and it helps that I actually planted them during the right time this year, so I’m stoked about that. If I can just get one single tiny pumpkin this fall, I’d be sooo happy… Microgreens are looking good too, not taking off like the kale seeds did but I’m still proud of 'em for being themselves! My catnip seeds are starting to pop up a little too!
I also have some starters because lazy, and they are taking off! My cats go nuts for fresh catnip, it’s pretty neat :)
Kale sprouts with their younger sibling microgreens on the left.
Pumpkin sprouts with sunflowers, catnip, chamomile, and huh what was that other one I’m pretty sure I labeled it.
Check out this catnip starter! I keep trimming it for my goobers but the leaves just keep coming back bigger!
I am now motivated to clean up my balcony and share the rest with you all :-D
Please do! I have it on good authority that it’s practically a jungle on a balcony and am excited to see it when you post it.
Some of those pumpkins look very leggy for the stage of leaf development they’re at, are you using supplemental lights for them?