My old person trait is that I think ‘ghosting’ is completely unacceptable and you owe the other person a face-to-face conversation.
My old person trait is that I think ‘ghosting’ is completely unacceptable and you owe the other person a face-to-face conversation.
My old person trait is that instructions do not need to be videos.
Can I marry you?
That was the only qualification? Nice
i’m a little iffy on this one… if it’s something complicated/with lots of parts like how to repair your phone screen or something i prefer the video format, but for things like how to install certain softwares i totally agree with you
if I’m reading documentation for a software library, i want that written.
cuz i can read useful paragraphs faster than how ppl talk
but if it’s something highly visual, maybe a video is better
I might end up wanting a video, but there is so much low-quality content in search results. I can click into and out of six bad sets of written instructions in the time it takes me to watch one video far enough through to realize it doesn’t answer my question. Please, search engines, place more written instructions higher up.