To be 100% fair, if you have only heard “DNA” and never seen it, you could be forgiven for wondering if it’s “D&A” or “D and A” like the reverse of “A&D Ointment.” But that’s the kind of thing that usually gets cleared up in 3rd grade.
I once stood up in 7th grade math and insisted that 20 plus 20 was 50. In front of the whole class. The only thing that got through to me was the value of a quarter and how many quarters makes 50 cents.
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To be 100% fair, if you have only heard “DNA” and never seen it, you could be forgiven for wondering if it’s “D&A” or “D and A” like the reverse of “A&D Ointment.” But that’s the kind of thing that usually gets cleared up in 3rd grade.
It’s french, it’s dieunnais.
Eighth grader vs full grown adult? Yes.
And what’s the answer, don’t leave us hanging!
Easy, it’s spelt “Deoxyribonucleic acid”
D-e-o-x-y-r-i-b-o-n-u-c-l-e-i-c a-c-i-d
I once stood up in 7th grade math and insisted that 20 plus 20 was 50. In front of the whole class. The only thing that got through to me was the value of a quarter and how many quarters makes 50 cents.
So anyone got some of those 20 cent coins?
Yes because her stupid question doesn’t have any legal consequences.