Anyone else questioning whether there are the same location? Might be, and I know people park like that, it’s just… weird angle and easy to throw together as rage bait.
Most of our parking spaces have terrible indicators for whether or not you’re actually close enough without having your rear-end hang out of the lines. So people tend to park with their wheels nudging the concrete just to make sure.
Why blame the parking space. Do drivers near you just have zero spatial awareness?
They want their cars scratched, that’s why!
As a small kid i once rode my kickscooter in a similar parked car, cause to be honest I wasn’t looking and also wasn’t expecting a car to pretrude like one meter into the sidewalk. While I was definitly careless (and also like 5) you should expect accidents happening when you leave stuff in places they don’t belong.
See that kid on a bike back there? Well FUCK them, you little asshole! Serves them right. Just sayin…
Because fuck people in wheelchairs I guess…
Really they should just have some concrete parking blocks in that lot. Not sure if I can really blame the drivers here… it’s just a bad setup.
Yeah, this is more of a design failure than people being assholes.
The design failure is only failing to anticipate that people are going to be assholes. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Does it really make someone an “asshole” for just pulling up until their tire hits something? Feel like this is something 95% of people would do without realizing it until they got out and saw the sidewalk.
Like do you guys really think these people are intentionally blocking the path or something?
The point is that they don’t care.
Personally, I try and have a modicum of spatial awareness that allows me to know my surroundings enough that I don’t have to collide with something to know I’ve gone far enough.
Does it really make someone an “asshole” for just pulling up until their tire hits something?
Yes, it absolutely does.
Doesn’t matter if it’s intentional or not, it’s still causing a problem…
Idk about you, but I don’t instinctively know how much room is left behind my car when I pull into a parking space
I get that basically locked in within a couple weeks of driving the same car. Do you not know approximately how long your car is while in the driver’s seat? Does it not get better over time??
I don’t instinctively know, but I do put the barest amount of thought into it as I know the approximate length of my car and I have the super basic ability of depth perception. So I can do a pretty damn good job of judging just how deep my car is in a space.
And If I’m off enough that it proves to be a nuisance to those who might use the walking space in front of it? I act like a decent fucking human being and move my car. Cause I’m not a complete narcissistic prick.
That’s why I get out of my car, look if I’m getting in someone’s way, and adjust as needed.
Takes no more than a minute to be civil and nice to other people, especially to those with special needs.
The design failure is not following parking lot design best practices and installing parking stoppers or bollards on spaces that are directly next a walkway. People are going to pull forward to the only point of reference they have which, because there are no lines or stoppers, is the sidewalk curb.
The teal car clearly all the way up on the sidewalk is definitely an asshole though.
They have the reference of spatial awareness and not just drive until you bump into something as well. That’s how you end up with fucked up body panels.
so if you park your car you just drive forward until you hit a concrete block or the curb?
No one is “being an asshole” they are just trying to “park all the way in”. A block is specifically there to communicate AND enforce that
There’s a curb. That idiot just pulled up onto it.
Shouldn’t the driver be able to know where their car ends without a concrete barrier?
In the front, yes - but knowing how much your rear might be sticking out is another story. That’s tough to judge with rear-view and side-view mirrors only.
Maybe it’s different elsewhere but at least in the Midwest US we have a range of different length parking spots, from very short to long, so it’s habit to pull as far forward as possible to ensure you aren’t sticking out into the aisle.
The courteous folks hop back in and reposition if they’re parked funky, but those types can be far and between.
How do you not hit stuff when reversing? I agree that it’s tough to judge with mirrors only but it’s definitely possible if you’ve been driving for more than two weeks.
Drivers simply don’t give a shit, everything else is just excuses.
In the US, half those vehicles would have trailer hitches waiting to bruise your shins.
And another 30% would have bike racks that are really just there to discourage tailgaters
Time to put some not too visible bricks right onto the curb.
Because if you park too far out, there’ll be an idiot that will hit your car.
Edit: not excusing their behavior, just providing their reasoning.
They don"t fit in the spot then. Need to find a bigger spot or a smaller car.
No, they need a car stop bar or whatever that informa the driver when they are safely parked
Many cars are too long for the road.
Maybe, but depending on where you live, parking like this will get your car scratched up and headlights broken. which is the right thing to do
If you park on the lawn there will still be some idiot who finds a way to hit your car.
That is no excuse to park like an asshole.
Probably because people are bad at parking and it’s easy to pull forward till you feel your tires bump against the curb. Only problem is that with increasing safety standards usually resulting in longer hoods and bigger engine compartments for crumple zones, you get this.
It’s not bad parking, lots of places use parking stops and you’re told/taught to pull up to them or the curb to park.
Where I am, if you don’t have parking stops, your curb must be 3m wide, to account for hood overhang and leaving the required space for handi egress.
That’s just because driver’s ed in the US if fucking horrible, and teaches the bare minimum to not kill other people while behind the wheel of a ton and a half of steel and aluminum. It doesn’t teach you to be a good driver, just not completely incompetent.
Most people still forget most of the shit they learn there, though.
drive till you hit something. helluva strategy.
One guy mounted the curb
As a wheelchair user I absolutely hate when people do this! I ended up forced to go around the back of the car which is way less safe.
A distraction for sure, doesn’t excuse for the inconvenience of course, but if you ask why is then is because:
- People are buying increasingly stupid ass huge cars
- The ability of the average driver to actually drive well is decreasing as much more automation/aiding systems are injected into the driving experience
- It follows that then people will often graze the cars parked just aside yours, when manoeuvring into or out from a parking slot, especially on the corners of the bumpers
- Any owner will then try to avoid this by moving his car outside of the possible trajectory of the driver who parked/will park the car just aside theirs and who most likely can’t park a car, and while yet choosing to buy a stupid huge ass car, and they do this by moving the farthest away from the rear parking line.
Of course they could have bought a small car instead and avoid invading the walkway, a small car surely also would have paired well with the smallness of their brains and/or appendages, but the lack of taste is since long time well past endemicity levels.
so the proper response is to start scratching the front of a few cars to incentive them to pull back a bit?
Time for a janitor to squeeze by with a huge set of keys hanging by his belt
You don’t need to be a janitor. Just walk past with your keys dangling from your hand and accidentally slide them across the hood. Or the hammer you’re holding in your hand that you just happen to be carrying for a legitimate reason.
Bad brakes.