Anything expensive, unhealthy or a combination of both. Just recently I cooked an overly rich steak dinner of filet mingon topped with foie gras and a variety of sides. Eaten on the couch, of course, because I’m truly a glutton.
Standing Rib Roast. Here’s a great recipe:
Fucking shoyu ramen, from scratch with all the trimmings. It’s practically a two day affair, between the broth, the onsen tamago, the noodles and the pork belly. Worth every minute spent making it, and almost worth the excessive sodium intake.
Ramen is one of my favorites but I’ve never had the patience to make a good batch. Any recipes you recommend?
Morally against foie gras but that does look amazing.
Honestly agree. Probably the first and only time I’ll ever have it.
Meatloaf. It’s a fairly unhealthy, mildly cost intensive main, but it’s so good.
Also, lemon meringue pie because, damn, it is labor intensive. For a middle aged crippled dude, it can be a major undertaking. Juicing lemons, making curd, prebaking crusts that are finicky to get perfect, then getting the meringue right. It’s al all afternoon task. But! Then you take a bite, and that sunshine you’ve captured and turned into a pie makes all the pains and aches fade a little :)
Stromboli from scratch is amazing but can take a few hours to make. I like to use this recipe as a base but I’ll change up the fillings depending on what sounds good.