Homer looks more excited to be stoned
Please do not promote the usage of illegal substances here on this platform. As the usage of them can lead to legal action, per the federal Marijuana Tax act of 1937 thereupon enforcing the disusage of the substance in 35 US states. Henceforth, I will have to report your post to the proper authorities.
Edit: Stop downdooting!! I am a lawyer!
Lamest possible response, even if a joke.
As a resident of a legal weed state I must report everyone for not supporting their government by imbibing in mery-jujuana.
I don’t know why you are getting downvoted, I for one 100% agree that the use of illegal substances should not be allowed. However, as a retaliation to your statement I would encourage the disusage of all illegal substances per-se. I will provide an upvote to counteract the copious amounts of downvotes you have now from uninformed Lemmy users. Good day to you sir.
Illegal substances are not allowed by the very definition of the term. Discussions regarding these substances focus on whether or not their status of being illegal should be repealed or continued as an “allowed illegal substance” would be a paradox in a court of law.
Thank you my good sir, I appreciate the positive feedback. Good day to you 😇😗
I knew I was an adult when I started hoping that if I got sick, I would get sick on the weekend.
I’m usually excited to get home plop on the couch, deny that I’m tired and should go to bed.
No thats called working a sad job and having a sad life
Nah I think that’s called depression.
Get stoned, take a nap? That checks out.
Maybe teach the cat about socialism so it will start wearing cute little commie hats.