It’s not immovable, it’s just locked so you don’t accidentally move it by clicking and dragging. Try right locking on the bar in a blank area lower down - the right click menu should have an option for moving it.
Excuse me, we’re gonna need you to add more snark to your comment. All you did was offer helpful advice as to how OP can fix their problem.
Can’t beleieve I had to scroll through that.
Can’t you set it to auto hide?
You know what the problem with this post is? The picture isn’t tall enough.
… when the mildly infuriating thing is OP’s ignorance
You could just move the immovable sidebar to the bottom or to the right. Or you could enable auto hide.
No he can’t, didn’t you hear him? It’s UNMOVABLE!!
He did say that yes.
But this looks a lot like the gnome sidebar. Most likely in a Ubuntu install. In wich case the sidebar is very much movable.
I know ;-)