Are the nice Republicans in the room with us?
Some Republicans are good at deceiving others into thinking they’re good people.
I live in a red state. None of them are good people. If they were, they wouldn’t align with a party of hate.
Hard to describe, but this is one of the final confrontations of a story I’m writing, and I love it;
“Look, you don’t get it. We don’t need to fight. I’m not with those racist psychopaths, I’m just following their orders and keeping my head down.”
If you are republican you believe in cutting social safety nets, pro war, anti gun regulation, and anti lgbtq. I view all of those as “bad people traits”. I don’t think anyone who can say they are for gutting welfare can also say they are a good person at heart.
They might be polite to a fault, but they’re still not good. I agree.
Exactly. You can say please and thank you all you want, hold doors open for people, smile at them on the sidewalk, but that’s all thrown in the garbage if you aren’t willing to actually do something to help people.
Welfare is a great example - most republicans use the “it’s being abused” line as their go-to reason that it should be scrapped. Being a good person is knowing that it is being abused - but the value of it helping people outweighs the 1ish percent of people who are on it and abuse it.
Half of the programs are so neutered it’s like, who cares that it is? Ohhh noooo this guy makes $23k instead of $22k he still can’t afford to eat let him have his blistering $100 of ebt. 🤷
My favorite is catching those “I wouldn’t work either if I could just live on a check!” types. I encourage them to get that ssi check if they can, while explaining that they’ll have to spend their savings down to under a grand, if they have two cars they’ll have to sell one, etc etc - all to pull like $800/mo that’ll drop to $50 if they log so much as a few hours at a part time job.
If that sounds like heaven to you, live yo best life fam. 🤷 But I don’t think that reality aligns with their vision of life of SSI.
I live in a very red part of Florida. They’ve all been pretty nice to me. Of course, I’m white, my baby is blonde haired and blue eyed, and I’m in the military. They usually get pretty surprised when I open my mouth and start spouting crazy commie stuff like Trans Rights are Human rights.
Get the fuck out of the military.
I’m a white redneck looking cis male in South Dakota. Many of these “nice” people think I’m one of them and will share their most abhorrent opinions with me, which they may not disclose in polite company. It’s to the point that I have to wear “woke” shirts that say things like BLM or trans rights to avoid these monsters.
I assure you my belief that Republicans are awful is not unfounded. Ask them what they think about LGBT+ people. “As long as they don’t shove it down my throat…” Ask them what they think about Native people – “That was so long ago, they need to get over [the genocide].” Ask them if climate change is real, ask them about the poor, ask them about undocumented workers.
Republicans are unfit for society. They would immediately be cast out of any functional community, and rightfully so. The only way to deal with them is to socially and systemically deplatform and disenfranchise them. That’s why I’d never make friends with a Republican.
some republicans are
good peoplenot awful to literally everyoneI’m a tall chubby cishet dude with a big beard in VA.
People say the quiet part out loud to me within 3-5 minutes basically anytime I go to a bar or something, and all the normies treat me like I’m the asshole when I disagree with the guy saying trans people are too in his face and need to dress appropriately because they’re such a nice guy otherwise.
Well clearly they’re not, are they, if they think entire sections of the population shouldn’t be allowed to live their life (or whatever the subject is?)
My partner passes as a straight cis white dude and works in finance and you are right, within the first interaction of meeting a bigot they will open their mouths and out themselves. And the worst part is, they nearly always phrase it as an in-joke, or an in-thing, like they are figuratively ‘wink wink nudge nudging’ him and it drives him fucking crazy that they just assume he’s one of them and will nod or laugh along. Instead, he pulls a reverse uno and shames them, very politely, for various super neutral reasons: like not being professional and staying on topic, or for being a hr violation, etc. He’s found the less progressive, more business-neutral language really fucks them up, they get super embarrassed
Every “good person” I know of every political strip is horrifically cruel and violent towards intelligent creatures many times a day. Absolutely needlessly. And they deal with this by simply not thinking about it.
Do you think there are some that are trying to balance everything as best they can? As in if they had to chose to cut health or housing you’re going to be an asshole either way
Every single one of them are needlessly – absolutely needlessly and to their own great detriment – participating in atrocity against thinking, feeling creatures who once had the capacity to love them. There’s no question of balance. Everyone loses.
I agree I think they are on a poor trajectory. I can’t see how calling them evil and disgusting is going to change their behaviour. We’ve done that. It doesn’t seem to work. If anything they wear it as a badge of pride because they don’t believe a word of what we are saying. I can only see a solution of showing patience and compassion to those who have been misled and being resolute in calling out the bullshit from the people using them. If we can reach the ones who are good and have been misled more might wake up after them. There will be no possibility of a majority or power and their party will be forced to change or cease to exist. And you’re right everyone loses. Do you want everyone to lose or do you want to be the bigger person. It sucks but there’s no fire with fire. It’s a race to the bottom and we’re already on our way
I can’t see how calling them evil and disgusting is going to change their behaviour.
You read that in.
Sorry, what are you saying?
read into
vb (tr, preposition) to discern in or infer from a statement meanings not intended by the speaker or writer read “calling them evil and disgusting” into the text. It was not there.
That was not my intention. I suppose after reading everyone’s comments that was the general vibe I was getting from most people. I apologise if that was not this individual comments intentions.
And some Catholics don’t rape children. But they enable those who do.
If you support violent extremists that try to install a dictatorship you’re not a good person.
very few*
Like zero.
You taking about the elected officials, or the voters? You’ll have a much harder time finding politicians who are legitimately good people, let alone republicans.
I used to work for Republicans, much to my chagrin. To your point: the elected officials know they are misleading ignorant average people. They understand exactly what they are doing, ESPECIALLY when they’re at their most hypocritical. I heard it from their lips repeatedly. They are all fucked in the head, even in personal interactions. It’s trashier WWE.
Well they sure do a good job of hiding it
Only if they don’t vote for #fascists.
If they don’t want to vote for fascists, they shouldn’t be in the Republican party.
some republicans are good people in the same way some cops are good cops.
All Republicans Are Cops?
you got the last letter of the C-word right, but it’s one letter too short.
All Republicans Are Chops
“We’re good people, we just vote for politicians openly calling for violence and retribution upon all their political enemies and fellow Americans, and vote to make people different from us illegal, and vote to strip every safety net to pass directly to the 1%, and vote to protect our God given right to clear an elementary school in 20 minutes with an AR, etc etc etc”
“We vote Republican cause it’s a habit at this point”
Every person who think that their vote (in a representative democracy) matters, is a victim of the illusion of universal participation in the use of institutional coercion, that is, the state.
However, what makes the state different from other coercive entities, such as organized crime groups, is that it enjoys some form of popular legitimacy. In other words, in addition to enslaving its inhabitants physically, it needs to secure their mental servitude as well.
It’s hilariously ridiculous to know that those who downvoted this post can not accept such a simple reality.
It is odd to observe. It’s like the idea of being right or wrong has zero nuance to these people and the only viewpoint is being 100% right about everything but then again, may be I’m wrong about that
“I’m a good person. I just don’t believe that kids should get food from the govt. So what if some kids are a little hungry. Their parents need to work harder”
As Jesus wanted
“Blessed are the meek, for they shall
inherit the earthwash my car”
Well this is just anectodotal you guys, but my mom is a Republican
And totally not a good person.
My Dad is a Republican, and over COVID commented on my post about BLM that “protestors wouldn’t be a problem if we just gunned them down.”