It’s working in getting more people a lot of money which they will never spend and simply hoard because for some reason this is what defines success
Ah but have you considered just how much capital has been accumulated and concentrated in fewer and fewer hands?
Czechmate commies ♟️
Yeah but how many different types of would I have if we didn’t have capitalism??
Different types of what buttermilk?
I’m destroyed. I cut and pasted funko-pops to google it and check spelling, now I am a fool on the internet 😔
Dont worry ill smash that updoot button
What do you mean there’s no competition?! Do you not get to choose between normal and chocolate milk?
Checkmate commies!
Well if by working you mean making rich people richer then yes it’s definitely working
No brother. We are the 6th mass extinction. This is just another phase.
Next phase after CO2 pollution will be acid rain.
It doesn’t matter to the rich if they can make more money. “Is the world going to shit in 2050? Until then we are already dead after a long life full of comforts, screw the rest, including our children.” Shit from greedy parasites which rule the world, applauded and voted for by subnormals who don’t even know how to piss a hole in the snow without a manual.
That poor polar bear just spent too much on avocado toast and starbucks, obviously.
Its working for the Competition and they are Winning.
Capitalist countries aren’t the worst polluters, though. It’s places like Iraq, Chad, and Pakistan. China and India also throw out some heinous shit and have way too many people.
How are Iraq, Chad, Pakistan and India not capitalist?
iF iT waSn’t fOr caPitAliSm yOu wOulDn’t haVe tHe luXuRy oF a mIcrOwAve
You can see it in your meme though. See the line going up? Proof that it works