What is more mildly infuriating than reading a post complaining about someone else complaining? Adding another level!
Edit: Thanks for replying to my little joke everyone. It has been fun reading the responses. Though it seems like we have a few people that still only read and respond to the title.
Someone should definitely come up with a good rage bait title with happy rainbow stuff in the body.
No, you cannot complain about complainers complaining about complainers complaining. That’s too far!
Why is this so far down - this should be at the very top!?:-)
Only replies to the original post will ever be at the top.
Also depends on how you sort it - the reply I replied to is top of the top sort.
“Break the loop and you break the chains.”
Nobody actually said that to my knowledge but putting quotes around it lends some legitimacy. 
What’s more infuriating that a post complaining about someone else complaining? Probably one complaining about a post complaining about someone else complaining.
Are you complaining about those complaining about the people who complain about the Redditors complaining about Reddit?
Is this like the recursive centaur (half horse, half recursive centaur) except with complains?
We need to focus on the important issues: are dolphins laughing at us when we swim in the ocean?
Only the mean ones.
Complaining about reddit is part of the process. Let them do the same thing you did when you first migrated over.
Yeah that’ll die out, but ramping up these kinds of complaint creates a circuit where we’ll get an eventually matured circle of hate.
I like my hatred finely aged in an oaken cask
It’s the circlllle, the circle of hate!
Never thought I’ll be thinking about the “ninth circle of hate”
Then you haven’t spent nearly enough time on Reddit.:-)
It’s like free collective trauma-dump therapy for us recovering Reddit addicts. I can’t wait for the “1 year since I dropped Reddit” kind of posts next year
3 days from now:
Can we stop making posts to complain about posts complaining about posts complaining about posts…
Reminds me of this.
3 days from now:
The US navy detected the implosion of complain posting 3 days ago
Do you mean to tell me the complainposting death clock was just clickbait
That would be subs not posts
Ok, but only if I get to make the next post that complains about people complaining about people who complain about Reddit. Or…something.
The meta on this is getting out of control.
I’m So Meta Even This Acronym
Shhh just enjoy the discourse and say hello to the new folks
I’ll make a single exception for this post, as it’s complaining about the people complaining. But if I hear someone complain about someone complaining about someone complaining, then so help me.
I think the people of this country are sick and tired of being told that they are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
You’ll have my sword
and my beans
… and we’ll put that thing back where it came from or I’ll poke myself in the eye!
As a digg refugee, it was the same thing on reddits early days… I think it’s just part of the process.
It’s part of grieving
What is more mildly infuriating than reading a post complaining about someone else complaining? Adding another level!
Thanks for saying it before I had to. You can really tell this is Reddit’s successor by the complaintception.
So… I wasn’t the only one thinking that
So anyway, I started posting …
What is more mildly infuriating than reading a post complaining about someone else complaining? Adding another level!
I don’t know, maybe a post complaining about people complaining about people complaining? Seriously though I didn’t notice such posts. I’ve only seen level 1 of this rabbit hole so far with people complaining about Reddit users ruining their little club and that seemed to peter out mostly over the past 2 weeks.
Setting off “Stop replying to the email chain everyone!” vibes.