I want to reset my server soon and I’m toying with the idea of using a different operating system. I am currently using Ubuntu Server LTS. However, I have been toying with the idea of using Fedora Server (I use Fedora on my laptop and made good experiences with it) or even Fedora CoreOS. I also recently installed NixOS on my desktop computer and find the declarativeness pretty cool (but I’m still a complete beginner) and could imagine that it would fit well into a server setup.

I have quite a few services running on my server, such as Nextcloud, Conduit (Matrix), Jellyfin, etc. and all in containers. I would also rather not install programs without containers, because 1. compose is super easy to maintain and set up, 2. it remains very clear with containers (and compose) and 3. I believe that containers are more secure. But since I also want to make the services inside the containers available, I currently have Nginx installed as a reverse proxy (not in the container, but on the system) and always create certificates with certbot so that I can use HTTPS encryption.

In the paragraph above I actually described exactly the use-case of Fedora CoreOS, but I have no experience with the system and how it works. That’s why I’m still a bit hesitant at considering the OS at the moment. I can imagine that NixOS with its declarative nature seems well suited, since, as I have heard, you can configure containers as well as Nginx and with Nginx also https certificates declaratively. But I could also use a base system like before (Fedora Server or Ubuntu Server) and simply install podman, nginx and certbot and manage everything that way.

Have you had any experience with Fedora Server, Fedora CoreOS, NixOS or a completely different operating system for servers and what are/were your impressions with this setup? Or do you just want to share your knowledge here? I would be delighted.

    • JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl
      3 months ago

      Can’t be hit by new backdoors when your packages haven’t had updates for years 😉

      In all seriousness Debian makes solid choices that makes everything as low maintenance as it can get for self hosting.

      For someone who recently lost a bunch of their free time, that is amazing to not have to mess with stuff.

  • robber@lemmy.ml
    3 months ago

    I use Fedora CoreOS on my homeserver and a bunch of VPSs. Migrated the homeserver just recently, but I’ve migrated the first VPSs a bit more than a year ago. So far, I had no problems with it. There’s a low-traffic mailing list where the devs inform about security issues and breaking changes to the whole container stack.

    I used debian before for some years, but at some point became tired of manually updating the system (which is probably one of the biggest benefit of FCOS). It takes, however, quite some time to put your first Ignition config together, and debugging is tedious as you have to redeploy to see if a bug / error is now gone (I’ve used a VM for that).

    I use podman on some, Docker on other servers (you can’t use both at the same time). Both have been working well so far.

    I’d recommend it, but would also recommend taking a look at Flatcar Linux which is more or less the same without the IBM dependency (which makes my stomach hurt sometimes).

    • Moritz@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      I’d recommend it, but would also recommend taking a look at Flatcar Linux which is more or less the same without the IBM dependency (which makes my stomach hurt sometimes).

      Why exactly are the IBM dependencies a problem for you?

      I used debian before for some years, but at some point became tired of manually updating the system (which is probably one of the biggest benefit of FCOS). It takes, however, quite some time to put your first Ignition config together, and debugging is tedious as you have to redeploy to see if a bug / error is now gone (I’ve used a VM for that).

      I can’t really find good resources on how FCOS is working and what are the benefits. Is it updating the system/kernel automatically as well as the containers? And what are generally, in your opinion, the advantages of FCOS?

      • robber@lemmy.ml
        3 months ago

        Why exactly are the IBM dependencies a problem for you?

        I guess I just like independent, community-driven distros, since there’s less space for financially motivated enshittification. Just shortly after I decided to go with FCOS, RedHat / IBM decided to close down CentOS, for example.

        I can’t really find good resources on how FCOS is working and what are the benefits. Is it updating the system/kernel automatically as well as the containers?

        The system & kernel yes. The whole system is basically a read-only system “image” for which the devs make sure all the packages play nicely together. Packages are not updated individually, but whole system “image” are released periodically, which the system then downloads automatically and reboots (you decide when it actually reboots through the config). If anything goes wrong, the system is rolled back to the previous “image”.

        When you go with podman, there’s a systemd service you can enable which will update the containers (i.e. pull the specified image tag). I’m not aware of a similar mechanism for Docker, which is why I use watchtower for that which has been working smoothly so far.


        And what are generally, in your opinion, the advantages of FCOS?

        For me, it’s the (quite safely designed) auto-updates of the base system (I just feel like having to do less repetitive work), infrastructure-as-code aspect, and the container mindset (as I containerize everything anyways). Also I just have a weakness for new, fancy stuff.

        • Moritz@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          Thanks, I might give it a try. I am not settled yet but FCOS sounds very promising. We will see.

  • Strit@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show
    3 months ago

    I’m probably the odd one out, but my home server is running Arch Linux. And it’s been really smooth. I do weekly maintenance in the form of updates and cleanup and it’s been reliable since I set it up a couple of years ago.

    • pete_the_cat@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I’ve been swapping between Arch with OpenZFS and FreeNAS/TrueNAS for probably 5-7 years now. In fact, I’m doing that right now! I think SCALE is finally stable enough to my liking…but we’ll see.

      ZFS becomes a pain to manage via the CLI when you have more than a few disks, a nice web GUI takes the pain away.

    • t3chskel@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I’ve been running Arch on my servers for over a decade now and never had issues. I think people have a perception that it’s not stable or it randomly breaks but that’s not been the case for me.

  • theroff@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    I use Debian at home on my homeserver and a mix of Debian and Arch for my workstations. Most of my stuff is managed with Ansible to make rebuilding easier and most workloads in podman containers.

    Personally I don’t overthink the distro thing. I recently started using Arch and quite like it. I’ve noticed packages that are available in Debian but not Arch and vice-versa. Debian Stable is nice because it’s just, well, stable.

    Fedora has an annoying release cadence IMO. I have experienced desktop bugs in the early GA releases before which put me off. If I wanted instability I would sooner go with Arch (and I am yet to have many issues with Arch yet).

    If I were to go with a BSD for a home server it would probably be OpenBSD or FreeBSD. OpenBSD has vmm and a bunch of tooling around it, and FreeBSD has bhyve and jails. I haven’t taken the plunge because Linux works and it’s what I know.

    These days I hear about people using proxmox on their homeserver with LXC containers and/or VMs.

  • Decronym@lemmy.decronym.xyzB
    2 months ago

    Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I’ve seen in this thread:

    Fewer Letters More Letters
    HA Home Assistant automation software
    ~ High Availability
    HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the Web
    LTS Long Term Support software version
    LXC Linux Containers
    SSH Secure Shell for remote terminal access
    VPN Virtual Private Network
    VPS Virtual Private Server (opposed to shared hosting)
    ZFS Solaris/Linux filesystem focusing on data integrity
    k8s Kubernetes container management package
    nginx Popular HTTP server

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  • TCB13@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    You next OS will be… Debian. Because you care about your time and you want stuff to be stable.

  • realbadat@programming.dev
    3 months ago


    Each service becomes an LXC. Docker containers can be migrated to LXC, or be contained within an LXC dedicated to docker.

    Running out of processing power? Add another server, add to a cluster, and migrate services (LXC or VM) over.

    Having run Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, slack, even Oracle Linux - Proxmox is what I run for myself (and some clients).