Not sure where porn noises are coming from
Find porn sounds and mute the tab. Now not sure where porn music is coming from.
Not close but mute 🤔
It’s distracting me from my work, but I don’t want to stop it.
I’ve got 99 tabs but music is only coming from 1
Note that this meme is a reference to that one Firefox user, and Firefox doesn’t let the tab music thing happen, it auto-mutes background tabs (in a way where it doesn’t do it when you want background audio to play)
Uh what?
Firefox has to my knowledge never done this. It absolutely doesn’t do it currently. And like chrome it provides an icon on tabs playing sound so you can easily mute it with one click.
I think they meant that it doesn’t start playing until you select the tab. If a video tries to start playing in a background tab, Firefox won’t let it, but it won’t stop videos that are already playing
Ah gotcha
Yeah that is what I mean, thank you for clarifying
Fx has a sound icon on the tab too
I just said that
It pisses me off when I can’t find which tab or window is playing audio when I restore tabs after a reboot.
There’s a setting somewhere to mute tabs by default.
Is there a browser left that doesn’t display a one click mute icon on tabs playing audio? Haven’t experienced that issue in years.
If you have
tabs open then where should i find mute button…Chrome has a media thing which shows all currently playing media with controls
Ctrl+shift+a on chrome
I am listening to music while reading this.
Plottwist. Not shure where/tab the hub intro is coming
Do not all people have the pause button on their keyboard? I thought it was everywhere.
That’s not music. It’s the sound RAM banks make when they pop.