This is a great wallpaper
I feel like someone is trying to say something… Oh well it’ll remain a mystery.
- Spez (probably)
It still probably drove a bunch of traffic, which was the ultimate goal.
But that’s also why it took them so long to stop it.
So did the CNN Trump town hall, but their ratings as a network tanked right afterwards.
That’s a great analogy I will keep for the next time this is brought up.
Never saw the u/spez functie elders. For background, after the latest Dutch elections there was this politician called Omtzigt. He wanted to become the leader of one of the bigger parties, but not everybody was in favor of him, so his own party fucked him. That’s because he’s been very critical about some things the government has done the last few years (biggest thing is the “toeslagenaffaire” which really is a shitshow, I can’t even give you a proper synopsis).
The leaders of the big parties that wanted to form a coalition had one major objective, to not give Omtzigt a place within the government. So they wanted to seek a different position (“functie”)for him somewhere else (“elders”). Omtzigt is pretty popular among voters though. That’s what differs him from u/spez.
Edit: the current state of r/place is .
Damn that picture is glorious
I think that Reddit is doing this to show the world that “hey we allow our users to personally insult our CEO. how nice are we!” they knew from the beginning that there will be lots of "fuck spez"es, but they chose to let it happen and not censor it. as long as the text being spammed all over the canvas is not, they will just ignore it.
This isn’t the right community for this, also I find it pretty funny that a meme dissing Reddit was screenshot from the official app.
Yup, I have been gone all day. Nuking it now.
See one of the problems with all of this is that people keep saying “fuck spez” and it’s very easy to disassociate from a nickname/online handle.
Use this dipshit’s real name, Steve Huffman. Steve Huffman is /u/spez; he’s the CEO of Reddit, he’s a spoiled, rude little cunt, this is what he looks like and he seems to be running Reddit into the red dirt.
When you talk about the actual person and not the online handle, you decrease the chances of them pulling this goofy shit anywhere else.
Wow lots of user engagement just what reddit is looking for before the IPO…
There were never more than 10 people on the Lemmy r/place chat. It was a pretty small crew we brought to get our banner up there. I’m sure we drove more traffic here with millions seeing it than the 10 of us drove there.
Was a pleasure working with you, realitista. :)
I imagine the idea was to let people take out their anger in a way that does nothing to reddit and will go away in a week.
and then there was the Touhou fandom minding their own business recreating bad apple one pixel at a time
Should have gone “Fuck Reddit” instead. No one outside the bubble knows who or what a u/spez is.
People keep saying this. That its only a small bubble of people.
I dont think it matters
If i was out of the loop and i kept seeing fuck spez i would google it.
I would want to know what it means.
Like when some new meme comes along and im out of the loop.
Infact there was a whole subreddit r/outoftheloop for this. It was quite popular.
This is exactly the sort of thing that gets people interested. A slightly unobvious but catchy sentence “fuck spez” is both clean and mysterious and it appears everywhere.
And r/place is very popular. Those fuck spez messages will reach alot of people. I think other services may see a slight bump in users in the next few days.
don’t jump! you got so much to life for. u/spez comes to Lemmy. end