Hello nature and gardening,
I am sure we have all see how tree can grow through and break sidewalk. Basically, can banana plant grow through steel vault door in similar fashion? Asking for a friend and apprecate all advice.
there are two main reasons why trees can grow ‘through’ concrete. the first, is that like in the imagine you posted. they actually undermine the layer of concrete with their roots. notice the uplift of the sidewalk.
in other cases, the porous concrete is already cracked, and the roots find a way on expanding that. steel doesn’t crack in a similar manner, nor is it porous enough to allow the root exudates to corrode it appreciably (as they can do somewhat with concrete).
impervious layers can cause all kind of issues - stunting, increased susceptibility to wind throw, and poor drainage which can cause premature mortality
Understood. Will have to make new plan. Also thank you for detail answer.best of luck, assuming you aren’t just shitposting with this post.
why do I feel like I’m the unwilling participant in a circle jerk with my comment below?
Yes, banana plants grow where ever they wish. Through concrete, steel, lead shielding on nuclear reactors, you name it. You can cut the roots into little bits and each bit will grow into a new banana. The only way to kill them is to wish fervently and daily for bananas to eat.
I do not believe banana is that powerful. But appreciate your faith.