Am I trippin or did you post literally the exact same video as me lmao
For me the old dance video I couldn’t get enough of back in the day was of these dudes doing the robot at Kollaboration 2001 that capped off with this dude doing some sick liquified robot shit that still melts my mind to this day. Thought this was that video initially so had to go look it up for you folks.
Van life folks are at serious risk of break-ins since often they’ve got half of their lives in their vehicles. If this discourages even a single prowler from assessing their vehicle, I’d argue it’s well worth it.
That being said this isn’t a typical van size for such a purpose but I could see a solo van lifer in there.
12 year reddit user that just came here after RIF went down. Excited to meet you all here! It’s my first comment and may there be many, many more.
Is your point that you’re more likely to experience security vulnerabilities when using FOSS? Cause past a certain point of development that’s not generally the case.