I’m dry, and this offends him.
In my opinion, people don’t mind hearing what you have to say. I wouldn’t call an upvote content. So I think comments and posts, if you are feeling daring on any given day, make for a better experience and let’s people be more social.
Basically, if everyone says something and interacts, this place will feel a lot more lively.
Best way to have active accounts is to avoid lurking. I’ve found myself falling into the trap where I act like I’m on reddit or YouTube and I don’t want to give them free user engagement. The exact opposite of Lemmy.
So yeah. Don’t lurk. Lurking bad.
I work with my local sheriff department as a cadet of sorts. We are dedicated to volunteering around the county and doing stuff for the community. I really enjoy it because it helps people and makes people trust in law enforcement for the little things.
I’ll agree with a lot of people. Police are in a rough patch that unfortunately has led to a lot of distrust between police and the community they serve. That is exactly why I love volunteering where I do. I am actively building connections in the department I plan on working in, and building connection with the community I eventually hope to serve.
I am also going to be brought into my local volunteer fire department starting February, so I’m really excited to start that too.
Good job dude! I’m happy to hear a success story from anyone these days. I wish you the best in reaching your next milestone as well.
Thank you for the recommendations, I actually made a BLF account soon after the reddit affairs. I think I mentioned this somewhere else in the thread, but I’ve been pretty deep in flashlights for some time (don’t say a word) and have known about BLF since forever ago!
I’ve never seen Cheule though. I’ll be sure to check them out.
I see this as an absolute win! You get to keep life flowing through a game you love. That can’t be said about a lot of things.
Table top Sim with vr is a guilty pleasure of mind. I highly recommend if you ever get the chance. A friendly reminder that you don’t need a new VR headset to play. Just go on Ebay and save yourself $100 on a used headset, because with new headsets always coming into the market, someone is always looking to sell.
I get walking them. Sometimes it is just fun to watch things like that work.
I am not disappointed in the slightest.
Favorite OS? What are the benefits of using that OS over others?
How fast would you say a hobbyist RC goes? I’ve only ever seen the $20 walmart RC cars and am curious about any differences, as I imagine there are.
It always makes the hobby more enjoyable when you have others to share the joy with. I’m happy you have a large group to enjoy!
Yeah, after about 10 minutes of practicing on a practice lock I decided to try my front door. Raked it in seconds. It was so fast my dad had a code operated bolt ordered that same night.
I’ve had a very reliable DE setup ecer since I started shaving. My dad had done the research for it, and it always provides a clean shave. I’ve always thought that if you have to do it for the rest of your life, you might as well make it enjoyable!
I’ve seen the sofirn BLF LT1 described as a great LED powered lantern that can change color temperature, brightness, and charge your phone.
There is! Check out intl-outdoor.com for a very wide variety of flashlight bodies and a large range of emitters. I have never DIYed my own flashlights however I plan on changing that in thr future.
So long as the camera man ain’t getting bricked up, I don’t think it’s a matter of kinks… I hope.