Truer words were never spoke.
One man’s trash is another man’s steaming pile of bullshit. Or something like that.
How long before Trump publicly rants about this?
Everyone is a time traveler, just in one direction and at a set speed.
Striker? I hardly knew 'er! Oh hi Mark.
Believe me, that’s not the only way people in Idaho are fucked.
Not going out of style no, but not the new hotness.
I went through the same process myself a couple years ago, first PC build in a while. The biggest shock for me was finding out hard drives (SSD, HHD, etc) were outdated: its all about NVMe cards which look like a stick of RAM and plug directly on the motherboard.
They pre-date furries by several decades, they’re called “rubbies”.
Do the co-ed showers come with Dina Meyers?
I would argue that 50 f is closer to ideal than the mid point of any other temperature scale…
I mean, Poland IS in Europe so I’m afraid this title is pedantically correct.