Stupid-ass hippolephant doesn’t even know it’s supposed to sink in the water
Stupid-ass hippolephant doesn’t even know it’s supposed to sink in the water
Attempting to evade deactivation sounds a whole lot like self preservation to me, implying self awareness.
Success in making a self aware digital lifeform does not equate success in making said self aware digital lifeform smart
Deception is not the same as misinfo. Bad info is buggy, deception is (whether the companies making AI realize it or not) a powerful metric for success.
From experience: in the US especially we’re sold this idea of the nuclear family: a husband, a wife, 2.5 kids and a dog with a picketed yard. It sounds nice, when that’s how you’ve grown up and how your friends have grown up and how your parents live and how your grandparents live. We’re sold this idea, this lie, so intensely because our country wants us to be in these easy to control family units designed to enforce patriarchy.
When a man is taught his job is to be a patriarchy, to be stoic, to be the protector and provider, he forgets his own needs. When aan forgets his own needs, he unwittingly lies to those close to him, those who love him. Those who think he loves them, beyond familial tie.
These are doubly so for those of us who are neurodivergent, as were taught from birth that we must suppress our own needs so those around us will tolerate us. It doesn’t matter if I loved her or not, she loved me and that means I have a responsibility.
Anyway those are just my 2 cents, but what do I know, I’m just a late 20s divorced autistic trans woman, cishet relationships are an enigma to me.
If the instructions give me any nonsense I just do the math and use the power level function.
I bought a microwave to make my life easier, I’ll be damned if I’m gonna flip food over because someone doesn’t understand how to write instructions involving the power level button